True Friends

True Friends

by Braine Syedwin

True friends are hard to find,
Those who won’t leave you behind,
People with whom you can confide,
And will always stay by your side.

They’ll put a smile on your face,
Comfort you in their embrace,
Never fail to make you laugh,
Even when things get tough.

They’re the ones who truly care,
Will listen intently while you share,
Valuable lessons in your life they’ll leave,
With the words of advice that they give.

Even when you don’t talk for so long,
Your friendship still remains strong.
Even when distance sets you apart,
They’ll always stay in your heart.

So if you think you already found them,
Treasure your friendship like a gem,
Cherish your moments together,
And hold on to them forever.

My Love

My Love

by Braine Syedwin

Oh, my love, you inspire me to write,
How I love the way you make me smile,
Invading my mind through day and night,
Making every moment of my life worthwhile.

I could still remember how it all started,
It was when I woke up at 3 in the morning,
You sent me numbers I have decoded,
Your own cute little way of confessing.

Oh, my love, you make my heart race,
Each time our hands would intertwine.
I can feel the warmth of your embrace,
Assuring me that I’ll be forever thine.

With you in my life, I feel complete,
You’re the person I’d always want to stay,
You’re someone I’ll never regret to meet,
The person that I’ll choose every day.

Love Lost in Between

Love Lost in Between

by Braine Syedwin

You made me experience a lot of firsts,
Appeased my hunger, quenched my thirst.
You lit my world and built me up,
You brought me love and filled my cup.

As time flew by, doubts crept in,
Our love got lost in between.
You became the one to tear me down,
Alone in the darkness, you let me drown.

For all the times you hurt me in the past,
I knew our love would never last.
For all the times you abandoned me,
Now I learned to do nothing for thee.

You pained me so much, it was hard to bear,
I began to lose all my care.
Although I want to try once more,
Walls are now built higher than before.

What more was there for me to say?
When all the love was washed away.
How should I stand and begin again?
When nothing’s left but sadness and pain.