Glass Closet

Glass Closet

by Braine Syedwin

I felt confined, my breath getting heavier,
When my comfort and anxiety collide,
As I dwell within this small chamber,
Where my truths and secrets reside.

It was enclosed by translucent walls,
A closet made of glass, a fragile pane,
Where my veiled truths silently stall,
Yet still obscured as my fears remain.

Through the glass, I know the world can see,
But what lies ahead remains a mystery,
As I hoped for people to hear my plea,
For support, acceptance, and authenticity.

My heart beats loudly against the glass,
Longing to break it and shatter my fears,
To fully embrace the freedom at last,
And step into the light, unbound by tears.

So, let the sunlight shine through,
Have it disperse into various hues,
As I muster the courage to break through,
And reveal myself, authentic and true.

The Love That Could Have Been

The Love That Could Have Been


Hey there, I’ve just started releasing the chapters of my first-ever short novel, The Love That Could Have Been, on Wattpad. Feel free to check it out!

The Love That Could Have Been

Book Synopsis


Dawn wakes up without any memories of her past. As she struggles to piece together the fragments of her identity and navigate the complexities of her amnesiac state, an encounter with a mysterious guy triggers an unexpected connection that resonates deep within her. This guy seems to hold plenty of untold stories and hidden truths, the key to unlocking the secrets of her past. As Dawn spends more time with him, fragments of memories begin to surface. However, doubts start to creep in as the memories unfold in ways that feel strangely unfamiliar. Dawn begins to question whether these memories truly belong to her or are they just borrowed fragments from someone else’s life.

The Love That Could Have Been is a cathartic tale of self-discovery, where the blurred lines of memory lead to revelations that redefine the boundaries of identity. Dawn’s quest for the truth becomes a compelling exploration of past hurts, as she grapples with the question: Whose memories are these, and why does she have them?

Themes: Mystery, Gay Romance, Supernatural, Empowerment, LGBTQ, Awareness, Tragedy, Teen Fiction